
Browsing for bridegrooms : matchmaking and modernity in Mumbai

Verfasst von: Sharangpani, Mukta
in: Indian journal of gender studies
2010 , Heft: 2 , 249 - 276 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Sharangpani, Mukta
In: Indian journal of gender studies
Jahr: 2010
Heft: 2
Sprache: Englisch
This article demonstrates how a traditional cultural practice such as the arranged marriage system is given a modern meaning by young women in urban India. Through young women’s narratives on love, marriage and careers, it highlights how neo-liberalisation and its resultant culture of consumerism has offered them a vocabulary through which they articulate and resolve the continuing tension between traditional notions of family-making and modern desires of individual growth. These young women’s strategic deployment of arranged marriage practices points to various shifting configurations of power; it allows us to understand women’s resistance beyond dichotomies of absolute complicity and complete opposition and provides us with an example of how an alternate modernity might be imagined and lived. Arrangierte Ehen
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