Buch Monografie

Women on a journey : between Baghdad and London

Verfasst von: Zangana, Haifa
Austin, Tex.: Univ. of Texas Press , 2007 , 237 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Zangana, Haifa
Schriftenreihe: Modern Middle East Literatures in Translation Series
Jahr: 2007
Maße: 22 cm
ISBN: 029271484X
Sprache: Englisch
Exiled, displaced, tortured, and grievin - each of the five Iraqi women whose lives and losses come to us through Haifa Zangana's novel is searching in her own way for peace with a past that continually threatens to swallow up the present. Majda, the widow of a former Ba'ath party official who was killed by the government he served. Adiba, a political dissident tortured under Saddam Hussein's regime. Um Mohammed, a Kurdish refugee who fled her home for political asylum. Iqbal, a divorced mother whose family in Iraq is suffering the effects of Western economic sanctions. And Sahira, the wife of a Communist politician, struggling with his disillusionment and her own isolation. Bound to one another by a common Iraqi identity and a common location in 1990s London, these women come together across differences in politics, ethnic and class background, age, and even language. In narrating the friendship that develops among them, Zangana captures their warmth and humor as well as their sadness, their feelings of despair along with their search for hope, their sense of uprootedness, and their yearnings for home. Weaving between the women's memories of Iraq and their lives as exiles in London, Zangana's novel gives voice to the diversity and complexity of Iraqi women's experiences.
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