Buch Monografie

Restoring the color of roses

Verfasst von: Borich,BarryJean
Ithaka, N.Y.: Firebrand Books
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Einrichtung: Lesbenarchiv Frankfurt | Frankfurt
Verfasst von: Borich,BarryJean
Ausgabe: 1
ISBN: 1563410273
Sprache: Englisch
With most of her family, Barrie is unable to be her true self. Her mother is not comfortable with Barrie’s lesbianism. In Slouching towards Chicago, Barrie has a conversation with her mother that reveals her mother’s attitude towards her sexuality. Her mother asks her if she’d ever “do things” with women (21). Barrie’s internal response to this question was, “And now the implications are clear. Not only will I do it, I will be it. And this is what I didn’t get before. People are going to hate me for this” (21). She can not be completely comfortable with who she is because she does not exist in a supportive family environment. She feels people are going to hate her for her homosexuality.
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