Buch Monografie

Directed by Dorothy Arzner

Verfasst von: Mayne,Judith
Bloomington, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press
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Einrichtung: Lesbenarchiv Frankfurt | Frankfurt
Verfasst von: Mayne,Judith
Ausgabe: 1
ISBN: 0253208963
Sprache: Englisch
The first full-length study of the woman who has always been the exeption in Hollywood film history - the one woman who succeeded as a director, in a career that spanned three decades. Part 1 outlines D.A.'s film career, from her work as a film editor to her directorial debut on Fashions for women in 1927 and her departure from Hollywood in 1943. Mayne pays prticular attention to Arzner's rolesas "star-maker" and "woman's director" Part 2 offers analyses of a number of Arzner's films: how feminist preoccupations shape them, from the women's communities central t Dance, Girl, Dance and The Wild Party to critiques of heterosexuel couples in Christpher Stron and Craig's Wife. Part 3 treats Arzner's lesbianism, how contemporary commentators characterized her unique look, and the role that desire between wmen played in her career, her life, and her films.
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