Buch Monografie

Postcards from the Edge

Verfasst von: Ainley,Rosa [weitere]
Scarlet Press , 1993
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Einrichtung: Lesbenarchiv Frankfurt | Frankfurt
Verfasst von: Ainley,Rosa; Budge,Belinda
Ausgabe: 1
Jahr: 1993
ISBN: 1857270967
Sprache: Englisch
Witty, provocative, poignant, documentary or simply stunning,this collection of 42 specially commissioned postcards is a visual record of the concerns of lesbian politics, culture and lifestyle in the 1990s. Photographers include Tessa Boffin, Lola Flash, Jean Fraser, Pam Isherwood, Mumtaz Karimjee, Laurence Jaugey-Paget, Ingrid Pollard, Brenda Prince, Susan Taylor, Val Wilmer.
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