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Einrichtung: CID Fraen an Gender
Verfasst von: Fausto-Sterling, Anne
Schriftenreihe: <<The>> Routledge Series integrating science and culture
Jahr: 2012
ISBN: 0415881455
Sprache: Englisch
"'Sex/Gender' presents a relatively new way to think about how biological difference can be produced over time in response to different environmental and social experiences. This book gives a clearly written explanation of the biological and cultural underpinnings of gender. Anne Fausto-Sterling provides an introduction to the biochemistry, neurobiology, and social construction of gender with expertise and humor in a style accessible to a wide variety of readers. In addition to the basics, 'Sex/Gender' ponders the moral, ethical, social and political side to this inescapable subject."--
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CID | Fraen an Gender
Frauen- und Genderbibliothek CID

14 rue Beck
L-1222 Luxemburg
Telefon: +352 - 24 10 95 - 1
Tues.-Fri. : 12-18 hrs
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