Buch Monografie

Women and gender in early Jewish and Palestinian nationalism

Verfasst von: Katz, Sheila H.
Gainesville, Fla.: Univ. Press of Florida , 2009 , 224 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Katz, Sheila H.
Ausgabe: 1st paperback print.
Jahr: 2009
Maße: 22,5cm
ISBN: 0813033888
Sprache: Englisch
Drawing on a variety of source materials, ranging from popular print media to poetry, film, political treatises, and biographies and autobiographies, Sheila Katz examines the ways in which gender operated in forming the political identities of Palestinian Arabs and Jewish Zionists. By exploring both gender definitions and their expressions in the everyday lives of two contesting peoples, she provides a highly nuanced understanding of how gender affects the discourse of conflict between two competing national movements. Through this balanced discussion of the histories of Jewish and Palestinian women during Palestine's formative years, Katz makes a significant contribution to scholarship in Middle Eastern and women's history. Working at the intersection of several disciplines, Katz provides a wide-ranging examination of the formation and expression of national identity and the changing gender roles that help shape it. She uses gender as a tool to examine the creation of boundaries and power relations among nations. Through a discussion employing the materials and methods of history, sociology, literary criticism, and anthropology, this study offers a unique examination of identity formation in Palestine during the first half of the 20th century and an analysis of both Palestinian and Jewish women in their respective national movements, illuminating gender as a linchpin of international conflict.
Literaturverz. [S. 197] - 207
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