Buch Sammelband

Out in public : reinventing lesbian/gay anthropology in a globalizing world

Verfasst von: Lewin, Ellen
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell , 2009 , 365 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Lewin, Ellen
Schriftenreihe: Readings in engaged anthropology
Ausgabe: 1. publ.
Jahr: 2009
Maße: 26 cm
ISBN: 1405191015
Sprache: Deutsch
Out in Public addresses, and engages us in, the new and exciting directions in the emerging field of lesbian/gay anthropology. The authors confront the uneasy relationships between lesbian/gay anthropology and applied/public anthropology, whose practitioners have long insisted on a more objective, detached and apolitical approach to problem-identification and practical problem-solving. The book focuses on the authors' engagements in the everyday lives of lesbian/gay people, and describes the strategies that they, as public anthropologists, have used to promote effective intervention and change in LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual] communities. I. Out in Public: Reflecting on Experience: . My Date with Phil Donahue: A Queer Intellectual in TV-Land (Esther Newton, University of Michigan). 2. Changes and Challenges: Ethnography, Homosexuality, and HIV Prevention Work in Guadalajara (Héctor Carrillo, San Francisco State University). 3. Going Home Ain't Always Easy: Ethnography and the Politics of Black Responsibility (E. Patrick Johnson, Northwestern University). Part II. Sexual Sameness is not a Self-Evident Terrain. 4. The Personal Isn't Always Political (Karen Brodkin, University of California, Los Angeles). 5. Who's Gay? What's Gay?: Dilemmas of Identity Among Gay Fathers (Ellen Lewin, University of Iowa). 6. A Queer Situation: Poverty, Prisons, and Performances of Infidelity and Instability in the New Orleans Lesbian Anthem (Natasha Sandraya Wilson, University of Iowa). Part III. Unpacking the Engagements between Sexuality and Broader Ideological Positions. 7. Tuskegee on the "Down Low": A Bioculturalist Brings the Past into the Present (Rachel Watkins, American University). 8. Back and Forth to the Land: Negotiating Rural and Urban Sexuality Among the Radical Faeries (Scott Morgensen, Macalaster College). 9. The Power of Stealth: (In)Visible Sites of Female-to-Male Transsexual Resistance (Elijah Adiv Edelman, American University). 10. Rumsfeld!: Consensual BDSM and "Sadomasochistic Torture" at Abu Ghraib (Margot Weiss, Wesleyan University). 11. Professional Baseball, Urban Restructuring and (Changing) Gay Geographies in Washington DC (William L. Leap, American University). Part IV. International and Local Formations of Same-Sex and Transgender Identities. 12. Public Sex:The Geography of Female Homoeroticism and the (In)Visibility of Female Sexualities (Megan Sinnott, Georgia State University). 13. Neither in the Closet nor on the Balcony: Private Lives and Public Activism in Nicaragua (Florence Babb, University of Florida). 14. Life Lube:Discursive Spheres of Sexuality, Science, and AIDS (Harris Solomon, Brown University). 15. Man Marries Man in Nigeria? (Rudolf Gaudio, State University of New York College, Purchase) Part V. Sexuality and Neo-liberal Citizenship. 16. LGBT Rights in the European Union, a Queer Affair? (Mark Graham, University of Stockholm). 17. Turning the Lion City Pink?: Interrogating Singapore's Gay Civil Servant Statement (Chris Tan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). 18. The Marriage between Kinship and Sexuality in New Mexico's Domestic Partnership Debate (Lavinia Nicolae, University of New Mexico).
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