Buch Monografie

Latina lesbian writers and artists

Verfasst von: Costa, María Dolores
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press , 2003 , 155 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Costa, María Dolores
Schriftenreihe: Journal of lesbian studies
Jahr: 2003
ISBN: 156023279X
Sprache: Englisch
The quarterly "Journal of lesbian studies" examines the cultural, historical, and interpersonal impact of the lesbian experience on society. It gives lesbians an international and multicultural voice, presenting book reviews, poetry, letters to the editor, debates, and commentaries. This issue explores the work of contemporary Latina lesbian writers, artists, and performers and analyzes literature, art, and poetry by women who, despite markedly different backgrounds and experiences, are all influenced by the concept of lesbian identity. The book begins with an A-to-Z overview of modern Latina lesbian authors and performers, from Cuban writer Magaly Alabau to literary critic Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano (María Dolores Costa). "Tortilleras on the Prairie: Latina Lesbians Writing the Midwest" (Amelia María de la Luz Montes) explores Latina lesbian literary production in places like Kansas and Nebraska. "The Role of Carmelita Tropicana in the Performance Art of Alina Troyano" (Tonya López-Craig), appraises the work of Cuban-American performance artist Alina Troyano (better known by her stage name, Carmelita Tropicana), examining the strategies she used to create a hybrid identity as an artist and performer. "Moving La Frontera Toward a Genuine Radical Democracy in Gloria Anzaldúas Work" (Alejandro Solomianski) shows how Anzaldúas work "Borderlands" has revolutionized academic perceptions of the border and of identity in Latin American/U.S. Latino literature. You'll also find poetry created by Latina lesbians. "Como Sabes, Depresión" (H. Briana Levine) is a fragment of a passionate bilingual poem written by an English-speaking poet enamored of the Spanish language, and "To Sor Juana" (Mary L. Díaz) is a poem dedicated to the seventeenth century poet, philosopher and nun who has become an icon among Latina lesbians. "Lesbianism and Caricature in Griselda Gambaros Lo impenetrable" (Ignacio López-Calvo) shows how lesbian characters and themes in the works of this Argentine novelist are used to satirize and undermine the values of patriarchal dictatorship. "The (In)visible Lesbian: The Contradictory Representations of Female Homoeroticism in Contemporary Spain" (Jill Robbins) introduces you to some of Spains lesbian authors. Beside the main focus of this issue you can find an article on "Black South African Lesbians: Discourses on Motherhood and Women's Roles" (Cheryl-Ann Potgieter).
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