Buch Monografie

Religion, politics and gender in Indonesia : disputing the Muslim body

Verfasst von: Wichelen, Sonja van
London: Routledge , 2010 , 154 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Wichelen, Sonja van
Schriftenreihe: Routledge research on gender in Asia series
Jahr: 2010
Maße: 25 cm
ISBN: 0415497248
Sprache: Englisch
The political downfall of the Suharto administration in 1998 marked the end of the "New Order" in Indonesia, a period characterized by 32 years of authoritarian rule. It opened the way for democracy, but also for the proliferation of political Islam, which the New Order had discouraged or banned. Many of the issues raised by Muslim groups concerned matters pertaining to gender and the body. They triggered heated debates about women’s rights, female political participation, sexuality, pornography, veiling, and polygamy. The author argues that public debates on Islam and Gender in contemporary Indonesia only partially concern religion, and more often refer to shifting moral conceptions of the masculine and feminine body in its intersection with new class dynamics, national identity, and global consumerism. By approaching the contentious debates from a cultural sociological perspective, the book links the theoretical domains of body politics, the mediated public sphere, and citizenship.
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