Buch Monografie

Stewart's quotable African Women

Herausgegeben von: Stewart, Julia
London [u. a.]: Penguin , 2005 , 232 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Stewart, Julia
Schriftenreihe: A Penguin original
Ausgabe: 1. publ.
Jahr: 2005
ISBN: 0143024868
Sprache: Englisch
Women have not only been witnesses to their times, they have also been actors and key players. However, while there have been many women in government in Africa, hardly any of them have reached the highest echelons. Men have dominated Africa in terms of leadership and politics, and arguably this could be seen as one area in which Africa lags behind. The women in "Quotable African Women" have their say about these topics. Most think that they could do better and many believe that women must make a greater effort to rise to the task. This collection of quotes is an entry into new worlds and perspectives, from women of Africa from all walks of life. Their thoughts cover wide-ranging subjects and represent varying opinions, but as you read it begins to sound as if there is one voice growing louder and louder - the voice of reason, the voice of perseverance, the voice of women.
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