
Instant mobility, stratified prostitution market : the politics of belonging of Korean women selling sex in the U.S.

Verfasst von: Kim, Joohee
in: Asian journal of women's studies
2016 , Heft: no. 1 , 48-64 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Kim, Joohee
In: Asian journal of women's studies
Jahr: 2016
Heft: no. 1
Sprache: Englisch
Korean women who sell sex in the United States are the regular subjects of South Korean news reports. Sarcastically named “tour girls,” these women are thrown back to the misogynistic position still occupied by the “western princesses” (prostitutes for American soldiers) of Korea's military camp towns. According to general feminist analysis, both the “western princess” and the “tour girl” emerge from institutionalized prostitution. However, this study argues that the motivations and desires of the Korean women who sell sex in the U.S. these days are very different from those of the women in the old days. Hence, this paper will compare the experiences of old women belonging to military camp towns with those of young women selling sex in Korea's stratified prostitution market, using the analytic frame of ‘belonging.’ This will reveal the so–called “tour girl” who was not created overseas but developed as a matter of course within this market that serves Korean male desire. This study will analyze the form of subjectivity and politics of belonging of these newly emerging women along with the changes in the Korean sex industry.
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