Buch Sammelband

Transformations : feminist pathways to global change ; an analytical anthology

Verfasst von: Dickinson, Torry
Boulder [u. a.]: Paradigm Publ. , 2008 , 286 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Dickinson, Torry
Schriftenreihe: Transnational feminist studies : Women's studies, Sociology
Jahr: 2008
Maße: 229mm x 152mm
ISBN: 1594513562
Sprache: Englisch
Bringing feminist and world-systems theories together, this analytic anthology examines the rise of intersecting, women-centered movements that contribute to alternative development and the rise of new societies. The authors consider feminist movements and humanistic transformations that create new work and market relations, promote democracy and equality, redefine gender and sexuality, regenerate the environment, and construct nonviolent and peaceful relations. At the end of each chapter, articles by feminist theorists and practitioners on these topics are included to illustrate the analysis. Using a global, historical framework, the book shows how diverse, multicultural, and international feminist ideas can be brought together to provide a comprehensive and differentiated understanding of change. I. Women-centered movements and alternative development: Introduction: Women-centered movements, 1490 to the present (S. 1.); Gargi Bhattacharyya: Violent endings and new beginnings (S. 18); II. Redefining work, gender, and development: Introduction: Redefining work, gender, and development, 1970 to the present (S. 24); Chandra Talpade Mohanty: Antiglobalization pedagogies (S. 39); III. Feminist pathways to democracy and equality: Introduction: Feminist pathways to democracy and equality, 1990 to the present (S. 46); Siriporn Skrobanek, Nataya Boonpakdee, Chutima Jantateero: From research to action (S. 60); Paulo Freire: First letter: on the spirit of the book (S. 73); IV. Humanizing social relations: Introduction: Humanizing social relations, 1990 to the present (S. 77); Maria Lugones: Playfullness, world-traveling, and loving perception (S. 95); V. Restructuring gender to promote alternative development: Introduction: Restructuring gender, sexuality, age to promote alternative development, 1990 to the present (S. 105); Yvonne Corcoran-Nantes: Female consciousness or feminist consciousness? Women's consciousness raising in community-based struggles in Brazil (S. 123); June Jordan: A new politics of sexuality (S. 133); M. Jacqui Alexander: Pedagogies of crossing (S. 136); VI. Feminist reconstitute work and market: Introduction: Feminists' reconstitution of work and market, 1990 to the present (S. 143); Sharon Ann Navarro: Las mujeres invisibles/the invisible women (S. 159); Namita Datta: The significance of the house as property (S. 171); VII. Women and the evironment: regenerative development: Introduction: Women and the regeneration of the environment, 1990 to the present (S. 175); Marilou Awiakta: How the corn mother became a teacher of wisdom: a story in counterpoint - two mind-sets, two languages (S. 195); Farida Akther: Seeds in women's hands: a symbol of food security and solidarity (S. 203); VIII. Feminist movements for nonviolence and peace: Introduction: Feminist movements for nonviolence and peace, 1990 to the present (S. 224); Margaret D. Stetz: Representing 'comfort women': activism through law and art (S. 244); Kathleen Staudt, Irasema Coronado: Human rights and wrongs (S. 249); Shelley Anderson: Crossing the lines: women's organizations in conflicts resolutions (S. 258); Andrea Smith: Heteropatriarchy and the three pillars of white supremacy: rethinking women of color organizing (S. 264); IX. Pathfinders: women-centered movements discover intersecting routes to global change: Conclusion: Global theories, the historical world-system, and intersecting women-centered movements (S. 273)
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