Buch Monografie

Putting birth back in women's hands : towards the humanization of childbirth

Verfasst von: Gómez, Adriana
Santiago de Chile: Latin American and Caribbean Women's Health Network , 2007 , 128 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Gómez, Adriana
Schriftenreihe: Women's health collection
Jahr: 2007
Sprache: Englisch
Todays model of childbirth involves the imposition of an over-medicalized, interventionist approach that on many occasions involves violence and violations of the rights of expectant mothers. This publication describes the experiences that have developed over the past few years with the intention of reversing this situation, which affects the rights of women and their children and families. Most of the articles were prepared by members of RELACAHUPAN, who work throughout the region to restore womens protagonism during this stage of their lives and to revalidate the role of midwives as qualified medical personnel. The contents of this publication also clearly decry the way in which Western medicine continues to exercise control over womens bodies, pathologizing such vital stages as menstruation, pregnancy, labor and menopause and turning them into processes that must be treated and controlled from an exclusively biological perspective. By doing so, all of the emotional, psychological and social aspects of a womans life and their cultural, religious, ethnic/racial and other specificities are ignored. 1. On childbrith and midwifery: Birthing with dignity, a matter of human rights * Humanizing childbirth is a legal obligation * Advancing towards true humanization * On the humanization of labor and childbirth * Mothers' role as protagonists in safe motherhood * On the profession of midwifery * midwifery through the ages * Campaign for the humanization of childbirth in Costa Rica * Humanization of labor and childbirth in the public health system * Maternité des Lilas * Experiences of home birth in chile * How to avoid a cesarean section and how to have a vaginal birth after a cesarean. 2. An intercultural perspective: Our labor, our experience * An intercultural health project in a maternity ward. 3. Networking: Strengthening our Efforts (RELACAHUPAN) * Brasil: ReHuNa * Woman-centered care during pregnancy and childbirth (Red de Parto Humanizado - Uruguay) * Appropriate practices for the humanization of childbirth (Asociación Civil Dando a Luz) * Improving the experience of labor and childbirth (RELACAHUPAN - Ecuador) * Mother-friendly childbirth initiative. 4. Testimony
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