Buch Monografie

The Pacific muse : exotic femininity and the colonial Pacific

Verfasst von: O'Brien, Patty
Seattle, Wash. ; London: University of Washington Press , 2006 , 347 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: O'Brien, Patty
Schriftenreihe: A McLellan book
Ausgabe: 1. [print.]
Jahr: 2006
ISBN: 0295986093
Sprache: Englisch
This book analyzes the colonial stereotype of the exotic Pacific island woman. It shows how and why this ideal has persisted and the major role it has played in the colonization of Pacific peoples. While examining colonial culture in its many manifestations, from art, literature, and film to the journals of explorers and missionaries the author rereads not only the canonical texts of Pacific imperialism, but also lesser-known remnants of this cultural heritage with an eye to what they reveal about gender, sexuality, race, and femininity. Over its long history - from the famous (and much romanticized) settlement of Tahitian women and mutineers from the Bounty on Pitcairn Island in 1789 to the South Seas romantic tradition, Gauguin, and beach culture - notions of female primitivism changed in response to the ideological watersheds of Christianity, Enlightenment science, and race theories, as well as the development of democratic nation-states, modernity, and colonialism. The book shows the continuities and differences in representing colonized women across geographical regions and historical epochs and highlights the importance of sexualization and feminization in imperial enterprises.
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