Buch Monografie

Gender research methodologies

Verfasst von: Hoare, Joanna
Oxford: Oxfam , 2007 , 177-356 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Hoare, Joanna
Schriftenreihe: Gender and development
Jahr: 2007
Sprache: Englisch
Content: Using gender analysis frameworks: theoretical and practical reflections (Hannah Warren) # Feminist research methodologies and development: overview and practical application (Gwendolyn Beetham and Justina Demetriades) # Participation, values, and implementation: three research challenges in developing gender-sensitive indicators (Tessa Hochfeld and Shahana Rasool Bassadien) # The Peace and Conflict Gender Analysis: UNIFEMs research in the Solomon Islands (Annalise Moser) # Appropriate gender-analysis tools for unpacking the genderenergypoverty nexus (Joy Clancy, Fareeha Ummar, Indira Shakya, and Govind Kelkar) # Deepening our understanding of community-based participatory research: lessons from work around reproductive rights in Zimbabwe (Hope Chigudu) # Achieving respondent-led research in Madagascar (Cathy Farnworth) # Reflections on the use of the life history method in researching rural African women: field experiences from Uganda and Zimbabwe (Doris M. Kakuru and Gaynor G. Paradza) # A neutral feminist observer? Observation-based research and the politics of feminist knowledge making (Sophie Llewelyn)
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