Buch Monografie

Negotiating complexities : a collection of feminist essays

Verfasst von: Srinivasan, Bina
New Delhi [u. a.]: Promilla & Co , 2007 , 222 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Srinivasan, Bina
Ausgabe: 1. publ.
Jahr: 2007
Maße: 22 cm
ISBN: 8185002711
Sprache: Englisch
The book is a collection of essays written over the last ten years and within different historical contexts. The essays cover a range of issues pertaining to women such as the various dimensions of displacement and its impact on women, religious fundamentalism, gender mainstreaming and its implications, the gendered impact of disasters and the cultural aspect of religion- whether these can be potentially liberating for women. Each of the essays are stand alone pieces, but they retain a basic continuity in terms of the theme as well as the perspectives that frame them. Women's struggle for their rights as articulated by women's movements in India and elsewhere, and other social movements emphasising justice and equality, provide an analytical lens for these essays. This lens includes patriarchies as a systemic given and tries to examine the workings of patriarchies in the course of various social developments. Feminist scholarship and activism informs the book right through. Contents : Acknowledgements / Author's Note / A Cry for Change : The Impact of Muslim personal Laws on Muslim Women's Lives in Vadodara / Culture, Women and Human Rights / Crossing the Boundaries : Implications of Social Displacement for Women / Earthquakes and Gendered Access to Water / A Disciplined River : The Case of Narmada Valley and its People / All Issues are Women's Issues / Locating Feminist Analyses within Gender Mainstreaming / Violence Against Women : A Perspective
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