Buch Monografie

The female king of colonial Nigeria : Ahebi Ugbabe

Verfasst von: Achebe, Nwando
Bloomington, Ind. [u. a.]: Indiana Univ. Press , 2011 , 305 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Achebe, Nwando
Jahr: 2011
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 0253355389
Sprache: Englisch
Nwando Achebe presents the fascinating history of an Igbo woman, Ahebi Ugbabe (ca. 1880 - 1948), who became king in colonial Nigeria. Ugbabe was exiled from Igboland, became a prostitute, traveled widely, and learned to speak many languages. She became a close companion of Nigerian Igala kings and the British officers who supported her claim to the office of headman, warrant chief, and later, king. In this unique biography, Achebe traces the roots of Ugbabe's rise to fame and fortune. While providing critical perspectives on women, gender, sex and sexuality, and the colonial encounter, she also considers how it was possible for this woman to take on the office and responsibilities of a traditionally male role. Contents: Nkwado / The Preparation: All Trees Grow in the Forest, but the Ora Singled Itself Out * Nkowa / The Introduction: Unspoken, Blame the Mouth; Unheard, Blame the Ear. 1. Oge Nwatakili: The Time of Childhood, ca. 1880—1895 2. Mgbakpu Ahebi: Exile in Igalaland, ca. 1895—1916 3. Performing Masculinities: Homecoming—and She Becomes a Man, ca. 1916—1948 4. Inside King Ahebi's Palace, ca. 1916—1948 5. Mastering Masculinities: Ekpe Ahebi Masquerade—the Final Insult, ca. 1931—1948 Mmechi / The Conclusion: Ahebi Today—the Works That We Do Are the Things by Which We Are Remembered
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