Buch Monografie

Gender and identity in North Africa : postcolonialism and feminism in Maghrebi women's literature

Verfasst von: Cheref, Abdelkader
London: Tauris Academic Studies , 2010 , 206 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Cheref, Abdelkader
Schriftenreihe: Library of modern Middle East studies
Jahr: 2010
Maße: 22 cm
ISBN: 1848854498
Sprache: Deutsch
Literary fiction has always provided an outlet for social and political critique. In the writing of key North African women authors, the dissection of Maghrebi society is at the very heart of the narratives. Here, Abdelkader Cheref charts the rise of postcolonial literature written by women from the Maghreb, and provides a comparative analysis of three of the region's most prominent contemporary authors: Assia Djeba (Algeria), Leila Abouzeid (Morocco) and Souad Guellouz (Tunisia). These writers are united in their depictions of a post-independence socio-political malaise in the Maghreb; their explorations of marginalised women's voices; and, their own quests for their voices to be heard beyond the rigid constraints of patriarchy. This book is important reading for anybody wishing to understand the multifaceted links between literature, history and culture in postcolonial North Africa. Contents: Introduction # Women Writers in the Maghreb: The Triumph of the 'Muzzled' # The Representation of the Subaltern and Importance of Community: Leila Abouzeid's 'Year of the Elephant' # Resistance and Self-Fulfilment: Assia Djebar's 'A Sister to Scheherazade' # Women's Life-Writing: The Sense of Geographic, Cultural and Social Displacement in Souad Guellouz's 'La Vie Simple' # Conclusion
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