Buch Sammelband

The veil : women writers on its history, lore, and politics

Verfasst von: Heath, Jennifer
Berkeley, Calif. [u. a.]: Univ. of California Press , 2008 , 346 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Heath, Jennifer
Jahr: 2008
ISBN: 0520250400
Sprache: Englisch
This volume, written entirely by women, examines the vastly misunderstood and multilayered world of the veil. Veiling - of women, of men, and of sacred places and objects - has existed in countless cultures and religions from time immemorial. Today, veiling is a globally polarizing issue, a locus for the struggle between Islam and the West and between contemporary and traditional interpretations of Islam. But veiling was a practice long before Islam and still extends far beyond the Middle East. This book explores and examines the cultures, politics, and histories of veiling. Twenty-one writers and scholars, representing a wide range of societies, religions, ages, locations, races, and accomplishments, here elucidate, challenge, and/or praise the practice. The essays are arranged in three parts: the veil as an expression of the sacred; the veil as it relates to the emotional and the sensual; and the veil in its sociopolitical aspects. This unique, dynamic, and insightful volume is illustrated throughout. It brings together a multiplicity of thought and experience, much of it personal, to make readily accessible a difficult and controversial subject. Jennifer Heath: Introduction (S. 1); I: Mohja Kahf: From her royal body the robe was moved: the blessings of the veil and the trauma of forced unveilings in the Middle East (S. 27); Barbara Goldman Carrel: Shattered vessels that contain divine sparks: unveiling hasidic women's dress code (S. 44); Roxanne Kamayani Gupta: Going to the whole nine yards: vignettes of the veil in India (S. 60); Laureen M. Lafontaine: Out of the cloister: unveiling to better serve the gospel (S. 75); Jana M. Hawley: The Amish veil: symbol of seperation and community (S. 90); Jennifer Heath: "What is subordinated, dominates": mourning, magic, masks, and male veiling (S. 99); Pamela K. Taylor: I just want to be me: issues in identity for one American muslim woman (S. 119); II.: Shireen Malik: "She freed and floated on the air": Salome and her dance of the seven veils (S. 139); Désirée G. Koslin: "He hath couerd my soule inwarde": veiling in medieval Europe and the early church (S. 169); Sarah C. Bell: Nubo: the wedding veil (S. 171); Eve Grubin: After Eden: the veil as a conduit to the internal (S. 174); Rita Stephan: Virtue and sind: an Arab Christian woman's perspective (S. 191); Michelle Auerbach: Drawing the line at modesty: my place in the order of things (S. 202); Maliha Masood: On the roads: travels with my hijab (S. 213); III.: Jasbir Jain: Pirdah, patriarchy, and the tropical sun: womanhood in India (S. 231); Marjane Satrapi: The veil: from Persepolis (S. 248); Ashraf Zahedi: Concealing and revealing female hair: veiling dynamics in contemporary Iran (S. 250); Dinah Zeiger: That (Afghan) girl! Ideology unveiled in National Geographic (S. 266); Kecia Ali: Burqas and bikinis: islamic dress in newspaper cartoons (S. 281); Aisha Lee Fox Shaheed: Dress codes and modes: how islamic is the veil? (S. 290); Sherifa Zuhur: From veil to veil: "What's in a woman's head is a lot more importang than what's on it" (S. 307)
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