
Gender and organizations : the (re)production of gender inequalities within Development NGOs

Verfasst von: Dema, Sandra
in: Women's studies international forum
2008 , Heft: 6 , 441 - 448 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Dema, Sandra
In: Women's studies international forum
Jahr: 2008
Heft: 6
Sprache: Englisch
Non-governmental organizations play an important role in development. However, as in other types of social organizations, evidence exists of gender inequalities in their structure and internal functioning. This article, based on qualitative research, addresses the question of inequality within Development NGOs in a developed country, Spain. We analyze the fact that NGOs are regarded as gender neutral and the reasons behind this belief. We also address a twofold issue: on the one hand, the fact that inequality leads to the invisibility of gender issues within NGOs and, on the other, the disproportionate visibility of situations inconsistent with traditional gender norms.
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