Buch Monografie

Activist faith : grassroots women in democratic Brazil and Chile

Verfasst von: Drogus, Carol Ann [weitere]
University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press , 2005 , 212 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Drogus, Carol Ann; Stewart-Gambino, Hannah
Jahr: 2005
Maße: 23cm
ISBN: 0271025492
Sprache: Englisch
In this book the two authors analyze women's grassroots religious movements in Chile and in Brazil. The authors ask what happend to the generation of working-class women whose grassroots activism in Catholic base communities fired the Brazilian and Chilean pro-democracy movements as after the democratic transitions these women disappeared from the official view. The authors interviewed activists from Brazil and Chile. Drogus and Stewart-Gambino try to understand what sustains activism and movements in radically different circumstances from those in which they arose. Their analysis is enriched by systematic attention to the impact of gender and genderrelated issues on activism and movements. Altogether the book shows the different phases that social movements can go through.
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