Buch Monografie

Domestic service in post-apartheid South Africa : deference and disdain

Verfasst von: King, Alison Jill
Aldershot: Ashgate , 2007 , 214 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: King, Alison Jill
Jahr: 2007
Maße: 22 cm
ISBN: 075463275X
Sprache: Englisch
Universally domestic workers have been a marginalized sector of the workforce, increasingly feminized and whose working lives often reflect abuse, degradation and exploitation. The author examines the lives of women in domestic service of post-apartheid South Africa to discover whether the dismantling of apartheid has ameliorated the poor pay and conditions of this marginalized workforce. 1990 - the release of Nelson Mandela - marked the beginning of the transition from oppression to a free and democratic society. Alison Jill King analyses if the hopes and aspirations of so many liberated Africans were now being realized in concrete experiences. She chose domestic service within South Africa as an effective means to answer these questions and draws on research carried out in the Eastern Cape. She examines their "quality of life" in addition to their "quality of work". Table of contents: Preface * Introduction * Theoretical considerations and hidden meanings * Comparative and global considerations * Political economy * White employers and servants I * White employers and servants II * Non-white employers and servants * Conclusion
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