Buch Monografie

Living for the revolution : black feminist organizations 1968 - 1980

Verfasst von: Springer, Kimberly
Durham, N.C. [u. a.]: Duke Univ. Press , 2005 , 228 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Springer, Kimberly
Jahr: 2005
ISBN: 082233481X
Sprache: Englisch
The book represents one of the first in-depth analyses of Black Feminist Organizations (BFO's) and fills in an important chapter in African American, women's, and social movement history. Through oral history interviews with key activists and analysis of previously unexamined organizational records, Kimberly Springer traces the emergence, life, and decline of several Black feminist organizations: the Third World Women's Alliance, Black Women Organized for Action, the National Black Feminist Organization, the National Alliance of Black Feminists, and the Combahee River Collective. The first of these to form was founded in 1968; all five were defunct by 1980. Springer demonstrates that these organizations led the way in articulating an activist vision formed by the intersections of race, gender, class, and sexuality. The organizations Springer examines were the first to explicitly use feminist theory as a tool to further the work of previous Black women's organizations. As she describes, they emerged in response to marginalization in the civil rights and women's movements, stereotyping in popular culture, and misrepresentation in public policy. Springer compares the organizations ideologies, goals, activities, memberships, leadership styles, finances, and communication strategies. Reflecting on the conflicts, lack of resources, and burnout that led to the demise of these groups, she considers the future of Black feminist organizing, particularly at the national level. The book provides the history of a movement that influenced Black feminist theory and civil rights activism for decades.
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