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Einrichtung: FrauenMediaTurm | Köln
Signatur: Z-F045:1988-1
Formatangabe: Zeitschriftenschwerpunktheft
Herausgegeben von: Tuana, Nancy; Simons, A. Margaret; Blackston, Mary Ellen; Imber, Barbara; Bryant, Tamera
In: Hypatia : a journal of feminist philosophy
Jahr: 1988
Heft: 1
Beschreibung: Illustrationen
ISSN: 0887-5367
ZDBID: 232455-6
List of content:
  • Preface S. vii

    Introduction (Nancy Tuana) S. 1

    Science, facts, and feminism (Ruth Hubbard) S. 5

    Modeling the gender politics in science (Elizabeth Potter) S. 19

    The weaker seed : the sexist bias of reproductive theory (Nancy Tuana) S. 35

    The importance of feminist critique for contemporary cell biology (The biology and gender study group) S. 61

    The premenstrual syndrome : dis-easing the female cycle (Jacquelyn N. Zita) S. 77

    Women and the mismeasure of thought (Judith Genova) S. 101

    Dreaming the future (Hilary Rose) S. 119

    Feminist perspectives on science (Barbara Imber and Nancy Tuana) S. 139

    Review essay/A critical analysis of Sandra Harding's "The Science question in feminism" (Jacquelyn N. Zita) S. 157

    Notes on contributors S. 169

    Announcements S. 171

    Submission guidelines S. 175
  • Sprache: Deutsch
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