Buch Sammelband

Women and Islamization : contemporary dimensions of discourse on gender relations

Herausgegeben von: Ask, Karin
Oxford [u. a.]: Berg , 1998 , 199 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Ask, Karin
Ausgabe: 1. publ.
Jahr: 1998
ISBN: 185973250X
Sprache: Englisch
The Islamic revival is frequently associated with fundamentalism and radical politics. This reinforces Western perceptions of Islamic women as victims of a sexist and reactionary rule. What many outsiders fail to realize is that quite a number of Muslim women are ardently embracing their religion as a means through which they can express gender identity, power and creativity. In overturning ingrained notions of Muslim women's subjugation, this book situates Islam as a religion undergoing reinterpretation and change - especially in relation to gender identities - rather than as a monolithic movement reacting against westernization and modernization. Through their political, educational, and recreational activities, more and more Muslim women are setting agendas of their own and are actively redefining the role of women in Muslim society. Contents: Introduction (Karin Ask, Marit Tjomsland). 1. Feminist Reinterpretation of Islamic Sources: Muslim Feminist Theology in the Light of the Christian Tradition of Feminist Thought (Anne Sofie Roald). 2. New Veils and New Voices: Islamist Women's Groups in Egypt (Soroya Duval). 3. Contested Identities: Women and Religion in Algeria and Jordan (Wilhelmina Jansen). 4. Public Baths as Private Places (Marjo Buitelaar). 5. Female Dervishes in Contemporary Istanbul: Between Tradition and Modernity (Catharina Raudvere). 6. Women and Muridism in Senegal: The Case of the Mam Diarra Bousso Daira in Mbacke (Eva Evers Rosander) 7. Reconstruction of Islamic Knowledge and Knowing: A Case of Islamic Practices among Women in Iran (Zahra Kamalkhani)
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