Buch Monografie

Gender inequality : feminist theories and politics

Verfasst von: Lorber, Judith info
New York, NY [u. a.]: Oxford Univ. Press , 2010 , 326 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Lorber, Judith info
Ausgabe: 4. ed.
Jahr: 2010
ISBN: 019537522X
Sprache: Englisch
In Gender Inequality, internationally renowned feminist Judith Lorber examines various, evolving theories of gender inequality. Tightly structured around Lorber's own paradigm of "reform, resistance, rebellion," this combination text/reader acknowledges feminism's significant contributions to redressing gender inequality and celebrates its enormous accomplishments over the last forty years. It also documents feminism's ongoing political activism, and, with an awareness of postmodern and third-wave trends, points toward its future. Significantly rewritten, reorganized, and updated, the fourth edition features seventeen new readings and new sections on feminism in China, India, South Korea, and Japan. In addition, the bulleted lists that introduce each type of feminism now include a critique as well as that particular feminism's theories on the sources of gender inequality, its politics, and its contributions. PART I: GENDER REFORM FEMINISMS 1. Liberal Feminism * A Theory of Female Subordination, Cynthia Fuchs Epstein Integrating Family and Work in the 21st Century, Jerry A. Jacobs and Kathleen Gerson 2. Marxist Feminism * Theorizing Racial and Gendered Class, Joan Acker Gender, Race, and Citizenship, Evelyn Nakano Glenn 3. Socialist Feminism * Gender and Complex Inequality, Leslie McCall * The Invisible Heart, Nancy Folbre 4. Postcolonial and Asian Feminism Under Western Eyes at the Turn of the Century, Chandra Talpade Mohanty * Climbing the Pyramids of Power, Rae Lesser Blumberg PART II: GENDER RESISTANCE FEMINISMS 5. Radical Feminism * Redstockings Manifesto, Redstockings * Goodbye to All That (#2), Robin Morgan 6. Lesbian Feminism * Decentering Lesbian Feminism, Arlene Stein * Lipstick or Timberlands? Gender Presentation in Black Lesbian Communities, Mignon R. Moore 7. Psychoanalytic Feminism * Freud and Feminism, Nancy J. Chodorow * The Laugh of the Medusa, Helene Cixous 8. Standpoint Feminism * Women's Standpoint: Embodied Knowledge versus the Ruling Relations, Dorothy E. Smith * Gendered Standpoints on Nature, Sandra Harding PART III: GENDER REBELLION FEMINISMS 9. Multiracial/Multiethnic Feminism * Black Feminism, Knowledge, and Power, Patricia Hill Collins Nego-Feminism, Obioma Nnaemeka 10. Feminist Studies of Men * Hegemonic Masculinity, R.W. Connell and James W. Messerschmidt Gender, Class, and Terrorism, Michael S. Kimmel 11. Social Construction Feminism * Gender as a Social Structure, Barbara J. Risman * Imagining a World without Gender, Judith Lorber 12. Postmodern Feminism and Queer Theory Gender, Sex, and Sexual Performativity, Judith Butler Thinking about Drag as Social Protest, Leila J. Rupp and Verta Taylor 13. Third-Wave Feminism Sisters vs. Daughters, Astrid Henry Third-Wave Black Feminism?, Kimberly Springer
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