Buch Monografie

Midlife and older women : family life, work, and health in Jamaica

Verfasst von: Rawlins, Joan M.
Kingston: University of the West Indies Press , 2006 , 173 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Rawlins, Joan M.
Jahr: 2006
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 9766401837
Sprache: Englisch
This research by Joan Rawlins is based on the complex lives of midlife and older women from the working-class community of August Town and the middle-class suburb of Hope Pastures in Kingston, Jamaica. The book is divided into five main chapters which address issues such as family life and power relations; the work the women do in and out of the home; lack of concern about their health; ambivalent feelings about their sexuality; and how they perceive widowhood. The study, carried out between 1990 and 1991, and focusing on women between the ages 50 and 74, seeks to disrupt the dominant discourses, the prevailing sentiments expressed in mainstream society on this cohort, and expose alternative ones that the women themselves raise with the researcher. Rawlins points out that older women and those in midlife are perceived as having very little power, if any at all, over their lives and that they are affected by the gendered division of labour, which automatically allocates them certain ‘female’ jobs, such as childrearing. Rawlins also finds that women in this age group are seen as non-sexual beings and are presumed by family and society to be ‘dependent.’
Enthält Literaturverzeichnis (Seiten 162-168) und Index
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