Buch Monografie

Mental health of survivors of domestic violence in rural northern India. A qualitative, intersectional approach

Verfasst von: Gahleitner, Edith
2014 , 95 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Gahleitner, Edith
Jahr: 2014
Sprache: Englisch
Background: Domestic violence is a serious public health concern in India, having a devastating effect on women's mental health. Mental health remains a neglected field, with lack of gender sensitivity in community mental health care. Due to socioeconomic factors, and gender discrimination rural women are further marginalized and have negligible access to mental health care. It is therefore that the burden of mental disorders in rural survivors of domestic violence is presumably underrated, lacking adequat diagnosis and treatment facilities. Objectives: This study aims to investigate the complex phenomenon of domestic violence on a community level by focusing on mental health in rural marginalized survivors of violence in district Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, North India, following a critical, intersectional approach. Method: A qualitative approach was used, primarily utilizing participative methods, foremost in-depth interviews with 23 women facing domestic violence. Additionally, stakeholders from nonprofit organizations, physicians and social workers were involved from the beginning. Written informed consent was obtained from every participant. Results: The overall findings indicate serious mental health challenges are present amongst rural marginalized women who face domestic violence. Mental health is found a neglected and stigmatized issue amongst survivors of domestic violence. The intersectional analysis highlights the simultaneous interaction of multiple forms of violence and underscores the need for including marginalized women's voices and realities on the ground. It is therefore essential and indespensible to build on future strategies for community mental health care and develop a methodology for sustainable prevention of domestic violence.
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