Buch Sammelband

Gender activism and studies in Africa

Verfasst von: Arnfred, Signe
Dakar: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa , 2005 , 171 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Arnfred, Signe
Körperschaft: Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa
Schriftenreihe: CODESRIA gender series
Jahr: 2005
ISBN: 2869781407
Sprache: Englisch
This is title aims to invigorate the African social sciences with debates that challenge conventional wisdom, received ideologies and gender stereotypes. Bringing together seasoned gender specialists who draw empirical evidence from Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda, this study examines various experiences of setting up gender and women’s studies programmes. If further considers feminist and gender activism, gender identities, social protest, gender and culture in indigenous films, continuities and discontinuities in conceptions of gender, same-sex relationships, customary law and gendered discourse patterns. Locating Gender and Women’s Studies in Nigeria: What Trajectories for the Future? Charmaine Pereira; Chasing Illusions and Realising Visions: Reflections on Ghana’s Feminist Experience Mansah Prah; Establishing Gender Studies Programmes in South Africa: The Role of Gender Activism Amanda Gouw; Locating Gender Studies in the Pan African Ideal: A Reflection on Progress and Possibilities in Uganda Josephine Ahikire; From Aba to Ugborodo: Gender Identity and Alternative Discourse of Social Protest Among Women in the Oil Delta of Nigeria Charles Ukeje; Gender and Culture in Indigenous Films in Nigeria Ayodele Ogundipe; Conceptions of Gender in Colonial and Post-colonial Discourses: The Case of Mozambique Signe Arnfred; Traversing Gender and Colonial Madness: Same-Sex Relationships, Customary Law and Change in Tanzania, 1890–1990 Babere Kerata Chach; Collaborators or Warriors? A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Discourse Patterns of Men and Women in their Claim for Space in the Public/Formal Workplace Felicia Arudo Yieke
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