Buch Sammelband

The struggle for secularism in Europe and North America

Verfasst von: Hélie-Lucas, Marieme
London: Women Living Under Muslim Laws , 2011 , 285 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Hélie-Lucas, Marieme
Schriftenreihe: Dossier
Jahr: 2011
Sprache: Englisch
Contents: A Definition of Laïcité/Secularism - Marieme Hélie-Lucas * 1. France: The Law of the Republic Versus the ‘Law of the Brothers’: A story of France’s law banning religious symbols in public - Karima Bennoune * A South-North Transfer of Political Competence: Women of migrant Muslim descent in France – an overview - Marieme Hélie-Lucas * Personal Status and Bilateral Agreements: A blow against secularism (laïcité) and the rights of foreigners and citizens of Maghrebian origin in France - Lalia Ducos * Islamism Against Women Throughout the World - Mimouna Hadjam * “Democracy isn’t a Supermarket” - Chahla Chafiq interviewed by Clara Domingues * 2. United Kingdom: ‘The Question Asked by Satan’: Doubt, dissent and discrimination in 21st-century Britain - Gita Sahgal * Cohesion, Multi-Faithism and the Erosion of Secular Spaces in the UK: Implications for the human rights of minority women - Pragna Patel * Religion is a Private Affair: One law for all - Maryam Namazie * 3. Ex-Yugoslavia: The New Role of the Orthodox Church in Serbia - Bojan Aleksov * Tendencies of De-secularisation in Serbia and Croatia - Staša Zajović and Lino Veljak * 4. Canada: Introduction of Religious Family Laws in Canada: A case study - Alia Hogben * Cultural Relativism: Theoretical, political and ideological debates - Shahrzad Mojab and Nadeen El-Kassem * Secularism in Canada - Ariane Brunet interviewed by Marieme Hélie-Lucas * Finding the Same Advance of Islamism in Europe and North America as in Algeria - Djemila Benhabib * 5. United States: Obama in Cairo: The religionising of politics - Karima Bennoune * Secularism Versus Religious Pluralism in the US in the Light of Human Rights and Women’s Rights - Rhonda Copelon interviewed by Marieme Hélie-Lucas 6. Our Natural Allies: Toward a More ‘Courageous Politics’: Talking about Muslim fundamentalism in the West - Karima Bennoune * In the Face of Mounting Reactions, Let us Develop Deep Solidarity - Regroupement Féminisme & Laïcité Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA) * How Fundamentalism and its Values and Programme Have Entered the UN - Marieme Hélie-Lucas
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