
Ignorance Diversity and Love

Herausgegeben von: Mats Brolin, Torsten Letser

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Einrichtung: Spinnboden | Berlin
Signatur: DVD 708
Herausgegeben von: Mats Brolin, Torsten Letser
Spieldauer: 58 Minuten
Sprache: Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch
A film team followed the project Normgiving Diversity for two years. The project aims to figth prejudice due to sexual orientation at the workplace. In this heart-warming film, we follow the priest Gunilla Lindén, the officier Krister Fahlstedt and the policewoman Irmeli Krans at work as well as in their everyday lives. Ignorance, Diversity and Love is an eye-opener about tacit codes and how to behave to fit in at work. What happens when you break the norm, and does the norm come with the uniform?
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Zugänglichkeit: rolligerechter Fahrstuhl und Rampe vorhanden

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