Buch Monografie

Gender-based Violence and Poverty in Europe : EAPN Gender and Poverty WG - Briefing #2

Verfasst von: Malgesini, Graciela [weitere]
Brüssel: European Anti-Poverty Network , 2019

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Einrichtung: TERRE DES FEMMES | Berlin
Signatur: M 00 48
Verfasst von: Malgesini, Graciela; Sforza, Letizia Cesarini; Babovic, Marija
Jahr: 2019
Sprache: Deutsch
This paper presents definitions, prevalence, characteristics, consequences of different forms of gender-based violence against women. \[W9]\Its main focus is on intimate-partner violence against women, which is the most prevalent form of violence against them globally, with far-reaching consequences to their living standard and overall wellbeing. \[W9]\The second focus is on trafficking and exploitation of women. In these conditions, poor women from the less developed countries are particularly vulnerable. \[W9]\Within these two, sexual violence and harassment are considered. Sexual violence is any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting. \[W9]\Female genital mutilation (FGM) is another form of violence against women and girls, according to the United Nations (UN). FGM includes procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. Beyond extreme physical and psychological pain, the practice carries many health risks, including death. \[W9]\Another form is Child Marriage, which usually means an end to girl’s education, vocation and her right to make life choices. Research confirms that girls who marry during their childhood are at greater risk for intimate partner violence than girls of the same age who marry later. These two forms are particularly significant in some Member States, and sometimes in concrete ethnic or cultural groups.
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