Buch Monografie

No One to Turn To : The under-reporting of child sexual exploition and abuse by aid workers and peacekeepers

Verfasst von: Csáky, Corinna
London: Save the Children UK , 2008

Weitere Informationen

Einrichtung: TERRE DES FEMMES | Berlin
Signatur: U 05 41
Verfasst von: Csáky, Corinna
Jahr: 2008
List of content:
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • How are children being abused?
  • Who is it happening to?
  • Who are the abusers?
  • What is the scale of abuse?
  • Why is abuse under-reported?
  • Why are allegations of abuse not properly responded to?
  • What is the international community doing about it?
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations
  • Sprache: Englisch
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