Buch Monografie

Feminist Political Economy : A Global Perspective

Verfasst von: Cantillon, Sara [weitere]
Newcastle upon Tyne: Agenda Publishing , 2023 , 288 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Cantillon, Sara; Mackett, Odile; Stevano, Sara
Jahr: 2023
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 1788212649
Sprache: Englisch
Feminist political economy is essential to understanding the power relations and hierarchies that shape and sustain contemporary capitalism. Motivated by the rejection of gender-blind approaches in economics feminist political economy provides compelling insights into the relations between the economic, the social and the political in the reproduction of inequality. Sara Cantillon, Odile Mackett and Sara Stevano have written a much-needed introduction to key topics in feminist political economy, including the global division of labour, social reproduction, child and elder care, the household and intra-household inequalities, labour market inequalities, welfare regimes, the feminization of poverty and economic indicators. The authors take a global perspective throughout and engage in debates that are relevant for the Global North and/or the Global South. The book offers readers a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the role of power relations and inequality in the economy and is suitable for a variety of courses in political economy, feminism, gender studies, economics, social policy and development studies.
*** INHALT Foreword by Naila Kabeer 1. A global perspective on feminist political economy 2. Global division of labour 3. Social reproduction 4. Care 5. Households 6. Intra-household inequalities 7. Labour market inequalities 8. Welfare regimes 9. Feminisation of poverty 10. Economic crises 11. GDP and its alternatives
Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 247-288
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