Buch Monografie

Trans-Exclusionary Feminisms and the Global New Right

Verfasst von: Bassi, Serena [weitere]
Durham, NC: Duke University Press , 2022 , 220 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Bassi, Serena; LaFleur, Greta
Schriftenreihe: TSQ - Transgender Studies Quarterly
Jahr: 2022
ISBN: 1478023368
Sprache: Englisch
An unprecedented cultural alliance is underway between the anti-trans strand of the radical feminist movement and a new brand of militant right-wing politics that takes issue with the idea that gender is a social and cultural construction. This so-called “anti-gender” movement—which also travels under names such as “gender-critical feminism”—has found immense international power and is especially active in Latin America, continental Europe, and Russia, with different but no less pernicious strains revitalizing longtime trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF) communities in England, Canada, the United States, and Australia. Contributors to this special issue consider what the global rise of trans-exclusionary politics and the envelopment of these politics into global right-wing movements might mean for changing understandings of transgender experience, science and medicine, and legal protections. Topics include the emergence of TERF rhetoric in evangelical Christianity, the anti-gender misappropriation of postcolonial thought in Europe, rhetorical and ideological similarities between TERFism and Zionism, and media treatment of J. K. Rowling’s hostility toward trans rights.
*** Introduction: TERFs, Gender-Critical Movements, and Postfascist Feminisms by Serena Bassi and Greta LaFleur *** TERFism, Zionism, and Right-Wing Annihilationism: Toward an Internationalist Genealogy of Extinction Phobia by C. Heike Schotten *** Is “Gender Ideology” Western Colonialism? Anti-gender Rhetoric and the Misappropriation of Postcolonial Language by Jenny Andrine Madsen Evang *** TERF or Transfeminist Avant la Lettre? Monique Wittig’s Complex Legacy in Trans Studies by Blase A. Provitola *** Insidious Concern: Trans Panic and the Limits of Care by Mikey Elster *** Sympathy, Fear, Hate: Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism and Evangelical Christianity by C. Libby *** Pulpit of Performative Reason by Kathryn Lofton *** Introduction: Trans-Exclusionary Politics by Other Means by Serena Bassi and Greta LaFleur *** Fascist Feminism: A Dialogue by Sophie Lewis and Asa Seresin *** Choosing Threat, Embodying the Viral: Trans* Endemics in Times of Pandemic by Mat A. Thompson *** Moving toward Radical Love in Organizing Spaces by Jo Krishnakumar and Annapurna Menon *** GID as an Acceptable Minority; or, The Alliance between Moral Conservatives and “Gender Critical” Feminists in Japan by Hidenobu Yamada *** J. K. Rowling and the Echo Chamber of Secrets by Gina Gwenffrewi *** A Report from LGBTI Philanthropy by Ezra Berkley Nepon *** Toward a Trans* Masculine Genealogy in South America by Francisco Fernández Romero and Andrés Mendieta
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