Buch Monografie

Honor and the political economy of marriage : violence against women in Kurdistan region of Iraq

Verfasst von: Peyton, Joanne,
New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press , [2020] , 172 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Peyton, Joanne,
Schriftenreihe: The Politics of marriage and gender: global issues in local contexts
Jahr: [2020]
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 1978801718
Sprache: Englisch
Honor killing, also referred to as 'honor'-based violence, takes great prominence in organizing social life through structures of kinship and marriage as well as influencing legislation that allows the perpetrator to be forgiven by another family member. How can such violence be removed? Joanne Payton, in 'Honor' and the Political Economy of Marriage, suggests that the crimes must be identified as cultural or else efforts to change the meaning of 'honor' through education and cultural change will fail to address the structural violence embedded within kinship structures. The symbolic meaning of women's and family 'honor' cannot be changed without alterations in the expectations of kinship and gender roles. By using online surveys and questionnaires, Payton was able to elicit clear evidence that 'honor'-based violence shapes the family structure as a place for domestic violence. She suggests for reform on systems of family law and the championing women's bodily sovereignty as means to end honor killing.
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