Buch Monografie

Women, visibility and morality in Kenyan popular media

Verfasst von: Ligaga, Dina
Grahamstown, South Africa: NISC , 2020 , 177 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Link: Volltext
Verfasst von: Ligaga, Dina
Schriftenreihe: African humanities series
Jahr: 2020
Maße: 24,5 cm
ISBN: 1920033637
Sprache: Englisch
Women, visibility and morality in Kenyan popular media explores familiar constructions of femininity to assess ways in which it circulates in discourse, both stereotypically and otherwise. It assesses the meanings of such discourses and their articulations in various public platforms in Kenya. The book draws together theoretical questions on ‘pre-convened’ scripts that contain or condition how women can circulate in public. The book asks questions about particular interpretations of women’s bodies that are considered transgressive or unruly and why these bodies become significant symbolic sites for the generation of knowledge on morality and sexuality. The book also poses questions about genre and representations of femininity. The assertion made is that for knowledges of femininity to circulate effectively, they must be melodramatic, spectacular and scandalous. Ultimately, the book asks how such a theorisation of popular modes of representation enable a better understanding of the connections between gender, sexuality and violence in Kenya.
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