Buch Monografie

The international LGBT rights movement : a history

Verfasst von: Belmonte, Laura A.
London ; New York ; Oxford ; New Delhi ; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic , 2021 , 230 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Link: Volltext
Verfasst von: Belmonte, Laura A.
Schriftenreihe: New approaches to international history
Jahr: 2021
ISBN: 1472513231
Sprache: Englisch
During the past four decades, the international lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights movement has made significant advances, but millions of LGBT people continue to live in fear in nations where homosexuality remains illegal. The International LGBT Rights Movement offers a comprehensive account of this global force, from its origins in the mid-nineteenth century to its crucial place in world affairs today. Belmonte examines the movement's goals, the disputes about its mission, and its rise to international importance. The International LGBT Rights Movement provides a thorough introduction to the movement's history, highlighting key figures, controversies, and organizations. With a global scope that considers both state and non-state actors, the book explores transnational movements to challenge homophobia, while also assessing the successes and failures of these efforts along the way.
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