Buch Monografie

Dancing tango : passionate encounters in a globalizing world

Verfasst von: Davis, Kathy
New York, NY: New York University Press , 2015 , 225 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Davis, Kathy
Jahr: 2015
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 0814760295
Sprache: Englisch
Argentinean tango is a global phenomenon. Since its origin among immigrants from the slums of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, it has crossed and re-crossed many borders.Yet, never before has tango been danced by so many people and in so many different places as today. Argentinean tango is more than a specific music and style of dancing. It is also a cultural imaginary which embodies intense passion, hyper-heterosexuality, and dangerous exoticism. In the wake of its latest revival, tango has become both a cultural symbol of Argentinean national identity and a transnational cultural space in which a modest, yet growing number of dancers from different parts of the globe meet on the dance floor. Through interviews and ethnographical research in Amsterdam and Buenos Aires, Kathy Davis shows why a dance from another era and another place appeals to men and women from different parts of the world and what happens to them as they become caught up in the tango salon culture.
Includes bibliographical references and index Enthält bibliographische Angaben und Index (S. 219-223)
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