Buch Monografie

Why women will save the planet

London: Zed Books , 2018 , 268 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Körperschaft: Friends of the Earth ; C40 Cities
Ausgabe: Second edition
Jahr: 2018
ISBN: 1786993147
Sprache: Englisch
Die Aufsatzsammlung vereint Artikel von Umweltaktivist_innen und Politiker_innen, die sich aus feministischer oder Genderperspektive mit den Themen Umweltschutz, Nachhaltigkeit, Klimawandel und Klimagerechtigkeit beschäftigen. Foreword by Anne Hidalgo Introduction by Nicola Baird 1. The Power of Stubborn Optimism - Christiana Figueres 2. Empowering Women to Power up the Paris Agreement on Climate Change - Patricia Espinosa 3. The Hissing of Summer Lawns: Cities, Gender, and Climate Change - Susan Buckingham 4. What’s Happening in Durban: From ‘Tree-Preneurs’ to Trendsetters - Zandile Gumede 5. Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Sustainability in the Context of International UN agreements - Diane Elson 6. Walking the Talk: Empowering Tomorrow’s Women Leaders - Alexandra Palt 7. How Holistic Thinking Benefits People and Planet - Lola Young 8. How Gender-Sensitive are National Adaptation Programmes of Action? Selected Findings from a Desk Review of Thirty-One Sub-Saharan African Countries - Nathalie Holvoet and Liesbeth Inberg 9. Why Educating Girls is Essential for a Sustainable Future - Atti Worku 10. Women, Conflict and the Environment in Somali Society - Shukri Haji Ismail Bandare and Fatima Jibrell 11. The Close Ties between Social and Environmental Justice - Karin Nansen 12. Engendering Urban Climate Policy - Gotelind Alber 13. Why do Gender Equality and Sustainability Go Hand in Hand? - Lyla Mehta and Melissa Leach 14. The Benefits of using a Gender Lens - Naoko Ishii 15. Is there a Specific Role for Women in Helping to Achieve Environmental Sustainability through Politics? - Caroline Lucas 16. Empowering a Balanced and Useful Economics of Sustainability: The Role of Gender - Julie A. Nelson 17. Hand in Hand: Women’s Empowerment and Sustainability - Vandana Shiva 18. How the Defence of the Commons and Territories has become a Core Part of Feminist, Anti-Capitalist Struggles - Celia Alldridge 19. Mother Earth - Maria Mies 20. From Icebergs to Climate Refugees - Jude Kelly 21. From Individual to Communal Rights: Empowering Women for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources - Nidhi Tandon 22. The Role of Fashion in Bringing About Social and Ecological Change - Anna Fit
First published 2015
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