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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Isla, Ana
Schriftenreihe: Canadian woman studies
Jahr: 2008
Sprache: Englisch
Contents: The Milk of Sorrow: A Theory on the Violence of Memory (by Kimberly Theidon) * Siblings of the Disappeared in Argentina: A Contribution to the (Re)Construction of Memory (by Ruth Teubal, Cristina Bettanin, Florencia Fiorda, Marcelo Giminez, Maria Laura Rodripez and Clarisa Veiga) * Vilified and Prohibited Memories: The Making of a Gendered and Racialized National-Transnational Enemy (by Egla Martinez) * Re-Telling the Story of Madres and Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo in Argentina: Lessons on Constructing Democracy and Reconstructing Memory (by Ana Laura Pauchulo) * "Los Desaparecidos": The Madres of the Plaza de Mayo and the Reframing of the Victims (by H. M. Fraser) * Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission: A Summary of the Final Report and an Epilogue (by Ana Isla) * Violence Against the Women of Juirez by Maria Guadalupe Movfin Otero * The Feminist Pacifist and Antimilitarist Movement in Colombia: The Experience of la Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres (by Diana Maria Montealegre M.) * Le fiminisme en Amérique centrale: L'exemple du Nicaragua a la fin du XXe siècle (par Sophie M. Lavoie) * Women, Policy Developement and the Evolving Health Frame in Cuba (by Candace Johnson) * Transnational Homework: Home Turned Fieldsite (by Anna Belinda Sandoval Girón) * ;Escuche Las Krudas! Raw, Feminst Rap Music from Havana, Cuba (by Elia Wooldridge) * The Evolution of Union Women's Activism in Mexico City after Structural Adjustment (by Rachel K Brickner) * Canadian Mining in Latin America: Corporate Social Responsibility and Women's Testimonies (by Gleys Rondon) * Negotiating Livelihoods: Women, Mining and Water Resources in Peru (by Fabiana Li) * Mazahuan Women Members of the Zapatista Movement for the Defence of Water: A Testimony (by Verónica Vázquez Garcia and Diana Lahoz Gómez) * Pedagogies of Resistance: Community-Based Education for Women's Participation in Watershed Management in Sao Paulo, Brazil (by Patricia E. (Ellie) Perkins) * Limitations of Advocacy and Exceptions to the Crirninal Law in Brazil: The Struggle for Reproductive and Sexual Health Rights (by Keri Bennett) * Advancing Women's Sexual Health and Reproductive Rights in Argentina: Challenges to Implementing International Law (by Gloria Bonder, Madan Radjavi and Carlota Ramirez) * Latin American Women's Organizing in Canada: An Introduction to MUJER and its Leadership Training for Young Latinas (by Lorena M. Gajardo) * Salvadorian Wornen's Diaspora: Ana Rivera's Story (by Mima E. Carranza with Ana Rivera) * "We Were Different Then": Indigenous Women in Rural Guatemal and the "War Widow" Category (by Rachel O'Donnell) * Latin American Women Breaking Isolation and Building Alternative Spaces for Participation (by Paula Hevia) * Women in Higher Education in Argentina: Equality or Job Feminization? (by Eugenia Perona) * El Salvador in the Age of Globalization: Discerning Violence, Manifesting Peace (by Marta Benavides)
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