Buch Monografie

Queer race : cultural interventions in the racial politics of queer theory

Verfasst von: Barnard, Ian
New York ; Vienna [u. a.]: Lang , 2004 , 146 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Barnard, Ian
Schriftenreihe: Gender, sexuality, and culture
Jahr: 2004
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 0820470880
Sprache: Englisch
"Queer Race" understands race as inextricably sexualized, as sexuality is always racially marked. The book critically and playfully explores intellectual and political deployments of the term "queer", gay pornographic videos about South Africa, contemporary literary representations of interracial gay desire, the writings of Gloria Anzaldúa (Barnard explores the uses that Anzaldúa puts queerness to), and Jeffrey Dahmer's criminal trial. Through these explorations, Queer Race charts a framework for understanding the "race" of queer theory that both tests queer theory's limits and suggests its future inter-relations with anti-racist work.
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