Buch Sammelband

Analyzing Gender : A Handbook of Social Science Research

Herausgegeben von: Hess, Beth B. [weitere]
Newbury Park: Sage , 1987 , 580 S.
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Einrichtung: belladonna | Bremen
Signatur: PB-131
Herausgegeben von: Hess, Beth B.; Ferree, Myra Marx
Jahr: 1987
Beschreibung: Pp.
ISBN: 0803927193
Sprache: Deutsch
A first of its kind, Analyzing Gender provides a major synthesis of current social science research on issues involving gender. Tightly edited and well-written, this masterful volume consolidates our current state of knowledge about the role of women in society. Contributors come frome wide variety of social science disciplines and theoretical perspectives, but universally seek to enlighten us on what this flurry of activity has demonstrated about the issues that face women in contemporary society. Chapters are broad in scope..and carefully examine the current state of knowledge and research. Topics addressed include female sexuality, women and religion, gender inequality, sexual terrorism, gender and family and the women's health movement..to name but a few.
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