Buch Monografie

Beyond mothers, monsters, whores : thinking about women's violence in global politics

Verfasst von: Gentry, Caron E. [weitere]
London: Zed Books , [2015] , 200 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Gentry, Caron E.; Sjoberg, Laura
Jahr: [2015]
Maße: 22 cm
ISBN: 1783602074
Sprache: Englisch
The first edition of this book was genuinely path-breaking; it quickly became required reading for anyone interested in questions of gender and violence in global politics. This fully revised and theoretically more sophisticated second edition stands to make an equally valuable contribution. It begins by demonstrating the interdependence of the personal and international levels of global politics in violent women's lives, but then shows that this interdependence is inaccurately depicted in gender-subordinating narratives of women's violence. Such narratives, the authors argue, are not only normatively problematic on the surface but also intersect with other identifiers, such as race, religion, and geopolitical location. Table of Contents: 1. Introduction: a woman did that? 2. Seeing gender in theories of people’s political violence 3. Seeing women’s extralegal violence 4. Saving, supporting and supplicating: the mother narrative 5. Femininity gone awry: the monster narrative 6. Sex/violence: the whore narrative 7. Conclusion: beyond mothers, monsters, whores
Literaturverzeichnis: S.[170]-194
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