Buch Monografie

Gender in the making of the Nigerian university system

Verfasst von: Pereira, Charmaine
Oxford [u. a.]: James Currey , 2007 , 203 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Pereira, Charmaine
Körperschaft: Partnership for higher education in Africa
Schriftenreihe: Higher education in Africa
Jahr: 2007
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 085255172X
Sprache: Englisch
This study maps the changing character of the university system in Nigeria, with a focus on gender. Charmaine Pereira analysis furthers our understanding of the gendered workings of university education by examining four questions: 1. How have gendered structures and processes at the systemic and contextual levels affected the institutional level, namely universities? 2. In what ways have the workings of the university system contributed to bringing about gender differentials? 2. How have women contributed to policy issues in university education? 4. What are the gender implications of existing reforms of the university system? The study discusses the historical basis for the educational system in Nigeria, as the overall system within which the university system is located. The intention is to draw attention to the regional, subregional and class dimensions of the system, which configure gendered processes and relations that continue to have an impact today. The discussion then turns to the post-colonial context within which the university system has grown in Nigeria. Charmaine Pereirahe also focuses on the contemporary configuration of university education and its gender politics exploring the legal framework underlying the system and the nature of the educational bureaucracy. She examines the policy environment and the relations between the university system and the job market. This is followed by the politics of funding the university system and its implications for the quality of university education. Universities are examined as gendered institutions, focusing on access, student enrolment, academic staff strength as well as institutional culture and equity agendas. Finally, sites of reform in the university system and the implications for greater gender equity are discussed.
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