Buch Sammelband

The chronicles of Panchita Villa and other guerrilleras : essays on Chicana/Latina literature and criticism

Verfasst von: Rebolledo, Tey Diana
Austin: Univ. of Texas Press , 2006 , 270 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Rebolledo, Tey Diana
Schriftenreihe: Chicana matters series
Ausgabe: 1. publ.
Jahr: 2006
ISBN: 0292709633
Sprache: Englisch
Tey Diana Rebolledo has been writing about Chicana/Latina identity, literature, discrimination, and feminism for more than two decades. In this collection of essays, she brings together both old and new works to give a state-of-the-moment look at the still largely unanswered questions raised by vigilant women of color throughout the last half of the twentieth century. An intimate introductory essay about Rebolledo's personal experiences as the daughter of a Mexican mother and a Peruvian father serves to lay the groundwork for the rest of the volume. The essays delve into the historical development of Chicana writing and its early narratives, the representation of Chicanas as seen on book covers, Chicana feminism, being a Chicana critic in the academy, Chicana art history, and Chicana creativity. Rebolledo encourages "guerrillera" warfare against academia in order to open up the literary canon to Chicana/Latina writers who deserve validation. Table of Contents: Introduction: Hey, That's MY Story! A Conversation with My Peruvian Father and My Mexican Mother - Literature and Identity * 1. The Chronicles of Panchita Villa: Episode One (1993) * 2. The Chronicles of Panchita Villa: Episode Two (1997) * 3. Women Writers, New Disciplines, and the Canon (2000) * 4. The Politics of Poetics: Or, What Am I, a Critic, Doing in This Text Anyhow? (1987) * 5. "Sprinkling Wildflower Seeds": A Plática about Critical Perspectives in Chicana/Latina Literature (1998) * 6. Reconstructing Sor Juana's Library: Twenty Years of Chicana Literary Representation (1999) * 7. Who Killed Presiliano Ulibarrí? Or, the Case of the Missing Women: Clues for Cultural Studies (1993) * 8. Las Mujeres Hablan: Creativity as Politics (1996) * 9. "No More Cookies, Please!": Chicana Feminism through Literature (1997) * 10. "Jugando a la vida con poemas": Contemporary Chicana Poetry in Spanish (1998) * 11. "Mi Vida Loca": Symbolic Spaces in the Construction of Identity in Chicana Literature (1998) * 12. The Chicana Bandera: Sandra Cisneros in the Public PressConstructing a Cultural Icon (1996-1999) * 13. The Tools in the Toolbox: Representing Work in Chicana Literature (1999) * 14. La Nueva Onda - The New Wave: Contemporary Chicana Writing (2001) * 15. Size 48D Bras and Men Who Wear Skirts: The Dialectics of Humor in Denise Chávez's Narratives (2001) * 16. The Archbishop Sees the Body of the Virgin: Art, Religion, Ideology, and Popular Culture (2001) * 17. Game Theory: A Typology of Feminist Players in Latina/Chicana Writing (1985) * 18. Art and Spiritual Politics: Sor Juana Beatriz de la FuenteA Feminist Literary Perspective (1995) * 19. "Inheriting the Alphabet": Homeland and Exile in Marjorie Agosín (1997) * 20. Questioning Nepantla: The Land in Between - Geopolitical Tyrannies and Other Border Complexities (2002)
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