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Einrichtung: FrauenMediaTurm | Köln
Signatur: Z-F045:1988/89-3
Formatangabe: Zeitschriftenschwerpunktheft
Herausgegeben von: Fraser, Nancy; Bartky, Sandra; Simons, A. Margaret; Blackston, Mary Ellen; Shen, Amin
In: Hypatia : a journal of feminist philosophy
Jahr: 1989
Heft: 3
ISSN: 0887-5367
ZDBID: 232455-6
List of content:
  • Preface S. vii

    Introduction (Nancy Fraser) S. 1

    Two interviews with Simone de Beauvoir (Margaret A. Simons) S. 11

    Introduction to "Sorcerer Love", by Luce Iragay (Eleanor H. Kuykendall) S. 28

    Sorcerer Love : a reading of Plato's "Symposium", Diotima's speech (Luce Iragay) S. 32

    The hidden host : Iragay and Diotima at Plato's "Symposium" (Andrea Nye) S. 45

    "Essentially speaking" : Luce Iragay's language of essence (Diana J. Fuss) S. 62

    Lacanian psychoanalysis and french feminism : toward an adequate political psychology (Dorothy Leland) S. 81

    The body of politics of Julia Kristeva (Judith Butler) S. 104

    Introduction to Kofman's "Rousseau's phallocratic ends" (Nancy J. Holland) S. 119

    Rousseau's phallocratic ends (Sarah Kofman) S. 123


    Keller's gender/science system : is the philosophy of science to science as science is to nature? (Kelly Oliver) S. 137

    The gender/science system : respsonse to Kelly Oliver (Evelyn Fox Keller) S. 149

    Doing justice to rights (Carl Wellman) S. 153

    A reply to Carl Wellman (Elizabeth Wolgast) S. 159

    Book reviews

    "Feminism and methodology" by Sandra Harding (Margaret Nash) S. 162

    "Women's place in the academy : transforming the liberal arts curriculum", by Marylin R. Schuster and Susan R. Van Dyne (Monica Holland) S. 164

    Notes on contributors S. 167

    Announcements S. 170

    Submission guidelines S. 179
  • Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
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