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Einrichtung: FrauenMediaTurm | Köln
Signatur: Z-F045:1987-3
Formatangabe: Zeitschriftenschwerpunktheft
Herausgegeben von: Tuana, Nancy; Simons, A. Margaret; Ayyar, Beverly B.; Halhoul, Thoraya; Imber, Barbara; Bryant, Tamera
In: Hypatia : a journal of feminist philosophy
Jahr: 1987
Heft: 3
Beschreibung: Illustrationen
ISSN: 0887-5367
ZDBID: 232455-6
List of content:
  • Preface S. v

    Introduction (Nancy Tuana) S. 1

    Feminist scholarship in the sciences : where are we now and when can we expect a theoretical breakthrough? (Sue V. Rosser) S. 5

    The method question (Sandra Harding) S. 19

    The gender/science system : or is sex to gender as nature is to science? (Evelyn Fox Keller) S. 37

    Can there be a feminist science? (Helen E. Longino) S. 51

    Le juset de la science est-il sexue? / is the subject of science sexed? (Luce Iragay translated by Carol Mastrangelo Bove) S. 65

    Uncovering gynocentric science (Ruth Ginzberg) S. 89

    Justifying feminist social science (Linda Alcoff) S. 107

    John Dewey and Evelyn Fox Keller : a shared epistemological tradition (Lisa Heldke) S. 129

    Notse on contributors S. 141

    Announcements S. 143

    Submission guidelines S. 147
  • Sprache: Deutsch
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