
Gender, Labour, War and Empire: Essays on Modern Britain edited by Philippa Levine and Susan R. Grayzel. A Time for Tea: Women, Labour, and Post/colonial Politics on an Indian Plantation by Piya Chatterjee. Red Lights: The Lives of Sex Workers in Postsocialist China by Tiantian Zheng. Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry by Laura Maria Agustin. Embodying Women's Work by Caroline Gatrell. Gender and Work in Capitalist Economies by Pamela Odih. Rezension

Verfasst von: Franzway, Suzanne [weitere]
in: Signs
2010 , Heft: 1 , Band: 36 , 227-237 S.

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Einrichtung: STICHWORT | Wien
Signatur: R SIG 12928
Verfasst von: Franzway, Suzanne; Fonow, Mary Margaret
In: Signs
Jahr: 2010
Heft: 1
Band: 36
Sprache: Englisch
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